LTL Language School
- Brand Identity
- Multi-lingual
- UI Design
- UX Strategy
- Website
LTL School is a language learning center based in Beijing, Shanghai, and Taiwan.
Starting from Mandarin, they now offer Japanese, French, Italian, Vietnamese, etc.

From Its Beginning

We built their website since 2015 and it has gone through many redesigns until now. The image above is the predecessor of current design.
In the redesign, we carefully maintain their distinctive brand colors and fonts while incorporating sleek modern aesthetics.
Mini Apps

We built a suite of small apps that can be embedded into any pages to improve interactivity within LTL website.
The image above is a mini-app to practice Mandarin’s pronunciation and intonation. The system can give scoring and detect which letter is spoken incorrectly.
There are also some mini-apps designed for fun like converting your English name into Chinese letters.
Multi-Language Sites

LTL operates in various countries like US, UK, German, France, Italy, Netherland, Denmark, and Russia. To get closer to the target market, LTL need to have another websites with information written in local language. Each website will be individually translated, but must be connected to each other.
We created a centralized system called Multisite where one code-base is shared. This makes sure future features and updates will be implemented for all language sites. Each language sites have their own group of editors and authors. There is also an admin account with unlimited access to all language sites.
Job Board System

LTL has a program where you can take Mandarin classes while doing an internship. Thus, we built a simple job board system with the functionality to filter them by city, duration, and industry.